USE THE REST APIs by clicking on Routes


REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It relies on a stateless communication model, where each request from a client to a server contains all the information needed to understand and fulfill that request. RESTful systems use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication and typically operate over the web. Resources, identified by URIs, are manipulated using these methods, and the architecture emphasizes simplicity, scalability, and a uniform interface for efficient and reliable communication between distributed systems.

Base Address

BA Base


Your can perform the basic CRUD operations on this route. It operates on the tables present on our mongoDB server.


As stored in MongoDB. Here "_id" and "__v" are the fields which are filled by mongoDB itself

ID : Number

Name : String

Github : String

_id : String

__v : String


GET /api/rest/crud Get all users
POST /api/rest/crud Create an user
PUT /api/rest/crud Update an user using _id
DELETE /api/rest/crud Delete an user using _id


You can get 2 types of news on the same route using query params used in REST APIs

Unfiltered News

You can get high amount of NEWS, which are not filtered based on the fields related

GET /api/rest/news Get all news

Filtered News

You can get hundred of NEWS, which are filtered based on the fields related

GET /api/rest/news?type=general Get all filtered news
Parameters given to "type" query :

1. general

2. entertainment

3. business

4. health

5. science

6. sports

7. technology


You can get movie data for your movie projects!


You can get high quality data for Movies.

GET /api/rest/movie Get all movies


You can get Anime data for your Anime realted projects!


You can get high quality data for Animes.

GET /api/rest/anime Get all anime


You can get Manga data for your Manga realted projects!


You can get high quality data for Manga.

GET /api/rest/manga Get all manga



Simplicity : REST follows a straightforward and easy-to-understand design, making it simple to implement and use.

Scalability : Stateless nature allows for easy scalability, as each request from a client to a server is independent.

Flexibility : Supports multiple data formats, including JSON and XML, providing flexibility in data representation.

Compatibility : Works well with various technologies and can be easily integrated into existing systems.

Caching : Utilizes caching mechanisms for improved performance by reducing server load and latency.



Limited functionality: REST has limited support for real-time communication and lacks built-in features for complex operations.

Over-fetching and under-fetching: Clients may receive more or less data than needed, leading to inefficiencies in data transfer.

Security: While REST supports HTTPS for secure communication, additional security measures may be needed for certain applications.

Versioning: Handling API versioning can be challenging, especially when changes are introduced.

Statelessness: While statelessness is an advantage for scalability, it may require additional effort to manage state in certain applications.